Visual Processing Dysfunction
Just as we need to process the different sounds we hear to understand what someone is saying or what is happening in our environment, we need to be able to process the visual information that we see around us.
Many children who are evaluated for learning disabilities have visual processing disorders contributing to their challenges.
As a Developmental Optometrist, Dr. Kelly specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of visual information processing disorders.
In many cases, binocular vision disorders are contributing to the child’s visual information processing deficits, so after a thorough evaluation a comprehensive treatment plan will be designed.
The good news is that most visual processing disorders can be corrected once the correct source of the problem is identified.
20/20 Is Just the Beginning
A lot of the children who have visual processing disorders have passed vision screenings, and even eye exams, because the child can see the letters on the eye chart (“20/20”).
As a result, vision is often incorrectly ruled out as a possible cause of the child’s difficulties.
All 20/20 means is that the child can see the size of letter that should be seen from 20 feet away, that’s all.
vision development & rehabilitation for all ages
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117 W. Central St., Unit 207
Natick, MA 01760
Monday – Friday
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
9:00 am – 2:00 pm